Bachelor- & Master-Thesis

Application procedure


  • 15.01 for the summer semester
  • 15.06 for the winter semester
  • Feedback regarding acceptance within one month

Submission of your application documents

  • via mail from your university account
  • to:

Content of your application documents

  • Matriculation number
  • Type of thesis (Bachelor or Master)
  • Letter of Motivation
  • (for group work: matriculation number of the group members)
  • (in case of missing credit points for registration: explicit note)

Procedure and preparation of your thesis

Assignment of a supervisor

  • Support for topic development and editing
  • individual meeting appointments


  • General conditions of your thesis
  • Introduction to standards of scientific work
  • Presentation on the status of your work

Contact person

The contact person for further questions is Niklas Strunk.

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