Teaching and studying
Our teaching prepares students for academically-oriented activities in business practice. Such preparation is only good if both sound technical knowledge and analytical skills are taught. Accordingly, organizational structures and their change as well as the management of human resources form the core. This is enriched by numerous case studies and references to current discussions. This leads to a deep understanding of the many facets of companies and organizations. We focus on analytical skills by strongly activating the students. Only with constant questioning can the various theories, models and concepts be applied to the highly diverse situations in practice. Discursive courses simulate exactly that.
Students should thus gain an insight into the complexity of content with a multitude of possible arguments, influences and interactions, as well as the opportunity to practise academic discourse. We strive to create an atmosphere in which everyone can contribute their thoughts, arguments and questions.
This also means that students have a responsibility. In our experience, the liveliest discussions and the greatest learning success are achieved when students come to the courses prepared and actively participate. This also requires preparation and follow-up with the help of the respective textbook.
Courses offered

In addition to teaching basic theories, concepts and empirical findings, the discussion of interrelationships is central to the lectures. The accompanying interactive exercises enrich the complexity of the content with case studies, exercises and research findings. The examination takes the form of a written exam at the end of each semester.
We also offer Bachelor's and Master's seminars. These teach academic work based on a current topic from the field of management. Students learn how to research and deal with scientific literature and how to write a scientific paper independently.
In addition, every semester students have the opportunity to write a thesis at our department. We provide intensive support in the form of a colloquium and individual supervision.
Further information
In our FAQs you will find further information on deadlines, procedures, registrations and much more.
In the following overview you will find the links to the individual courses:
Degree program
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.):
BWiWi 1.3 Organisation und Unternehmensführung
Master of Science (M.Sc.):
MWiWi 1.8 Management (von Handlungen)