Current projects

Book: "Ambidextrie und Unternehmenserfolg - Wie sich die Ausschöpfung etablierter und die kontinuierliche Bearbeitung neuer Geschäftsfelder vereinen lassen"

The conditions under which companies create value are increasingly subject to uncertainties. This increases the need for strategic flexibility and diversification. Long-term corporate success is then based as much on the exploration of new business models as on the consistent exploitation of existing ones. The ability to implement these opposing strategic logics simultaneously, described by the term ambidexterity, places high demands on companies. This project aims to provide approaches for designing ambidextrous value creation. Based on the observation that companies are often caught up in the increasing concentration on existing business models, it is first necessary to recognize and break open the underlying dynamics. What is then needed is a perspective of openness that creates freedom for employees, inspires them and steers individual action in the direction of exploring new things. The challenge is to proceed in a way that does not put too much strain on the existing business.

Publication: Springer Gabler, 2024