
  • 10/86 - 12/91 Study of Business Administration at Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt with the focus on industrial management and organization. Degree/Graduation: Dipl.-Kfm.

  • 5/92 - 6/96 PhD candidate at Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, title of the dissertation "Zielorientierte Leistungsbeurteilung. Konzeptualisierung eines Beurteilungsverfahrens für das Lower- Management" (Goal-oriented performance appraisal. A conceptualization of an appraisal method for lower management)

  • 2/02 postdoctoral lecture qualification and obtaining of the venia legendi for Business Administration at the faculty of economics at the University of Bielefeld; title of the postdoctoral lecture qualification: "Theorie des Entrepreneurship. Perspektiven zur Erforschung der Entstehung und Entwicklung junger Unternehmungen" (Entrepreneurship theory. Perspectives for research on the formation and development of young enterprises)

Academic positions

  • 5/92 - 7/96 Research assistant at the chair of Business Administration, esp. Personnel and Organizational science at Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, held by Prof. Dr. Fred G. Becker

  • 8/96 - 03/02 Research associate at the chair of Business Administration, esp. Organization, Personnel and Management at the University of Bielefeld, held by Prof. Dr. Fred G. Becker

  • 04/02 Nomination as Assistant Professor at the faculty of Economics at the University of Bielefeld

  • 04/03 - 09/03 Substitute Professor for Business Administration, esp. Management of small and middle-sized businesses (Prof. Dr. A. Pinkwart), University of Siegen

  • 10/03 - 04/04 Substitute Professor at the chair of Personnel and Organization, Bergische Universität Wuppertal

  • 07/08 - 03/16 Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics

  • since 05/04 Professor at the chair of Human Resource Management and Organization, Bergische Universität Wuppertal


  • Laureate of the Wolfgang Ritter-Award 2003 "for outstanding scientific performances in the field of economics and business administration" (Wolfgang Ritter-Foundation, Bremen).

  • March 2003: Nomination for the Karl Peter Grotemeyer-Award by the board of students of the faculty of economics at the University of Bielefeld– for „brilliant performance und personal commitment in teaching“ (Westfälisch-Lippische Universitätsgesellschaft)
