Our chair is headed by Prof. Dr. Michael J. Fallgatter.

Our secretariat is managed by Ms. Barbara Stenzel. She is available to students as a contact person and coordinates the administrative tasks of the chair.

The research assistants are Ehsan Henftling, Niklas Strunk and Alexander Mazur. Among other things, they supervise project and seminar papers as well as final theses, lead the exercises for our modules and also support students in general.

The chair's assistants are Melina Köybasi, Fabian Kämpchen and Sabrina Berger. They support the chair with preparatory work in teaching, research and administration.

Below you will find the relevant contact details, publications and other information on the individual members of our chair.


Chair team


Prof. Dr. J. Michael Fallgatter


Secretariat Babara Stenzel

Research assistants

Alexander Mazur, M.A.

Ehsan Henftling, M.Sc.

Niklas Strunk, M.Sc.

Auxiliary staff

Melina Köybasi, B.Sc.

Fabian Kämpchen

Sabrina Berger, M.Sc.

Former employees